Monday, December 20, 2010


I never really had that 'why me?' moment- it seemed too self-complacent in that situation. And I didn't have a choice. For waiting at home for me was my eager French exchange, whom I was going to see a play with that evening. I was her host. I had to remain calm.

But, why seriously? Why do I have cancer? Where? Here are my facts:

Last year, I did a lot of running for my Duke of Edinburgh sport during the summer. I love running- the freedom it gives you is second to none. But I had to stop. For no apparent reason, my left knee would begin aching. And not just subtly. Like I have to sit down for a few hours, or a few days painful.

Well this happened about four times starting in May, including at the airport literally before boarding a 24 hour flight to Australia. And that was dehabilitating- I couldn't run, walk or move for three days. It was now past normal. I was missing school, limping and buying shoe insoles.

I had some MRIs, which I didn't mind or understand the urgency about. We even postponed my second MRI scan because I wanted to go to a little talk at school about publishing.

But then it all snowballed. I had a general anaesthetic and a CT biopsy and then within a month I had the announcement. Then it all began.

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